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Published On 3/28/2020
A few folks keep calling and asking is our lease open for riding . We are a private outdoor riding club and are open . And since keeping a distance is the idea in many cases , y’all go enjoy !
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Published On 3/8/2020
Upcoming events -

March 14th. Breakfast , meeting , and trash pickup be there . This is where we all pitch in for a day to make our riding lease standout compared others .

March 21st SECCA RACE ..... need sweep riders ...come on guys step up !

April 11th - poker run - gonna be a blast .... lots of giveaways , and Shelby Lee Lowe gonna play for us that evening !
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Published On 2/9/2020
Attention all racers!!! , or singletrack riders ! Our trail crew under TJ ‘s supervision has put together a course like no one has scene in years . Come to race , come to ride , come to enjoy plenty of the good stuff @NATRA we have trimmed cut and arrowed a fun course for all skill level . It will be a challenge , at the same time lots of fun , .... 12.5 mile course . 1 Moto for AA-D classes will get everyone home earlier in the day . Don’t miss this one !!
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Published On 1/27/2020
was contacted by 4 gentlemen from Pennsylvania in early December about joining and riding NATRA , we planned scheduled everything after they joined .
These were all guys in their late 50s and mid 60s ( not that that matters ) and dirt biking and riding buddies for years ....
But the story here is about friendship these guys just absolutely impressed me with their , whit , clever jokes, but also with there riding skill and ability and agility . They were all RIDERS , meaning they could rip! I had the best time showing them around along with some of my riding buds as well . We logged 51 miles of NATRA singletrack on Saturday and 55 more miles of the same today . These guys never complained, each time we stopped for a break they would say that’s just awesome , is there more ? None the less I was encouraged to ride and enjoy friendship thru those guys this weekend . And a 106 miles of singletrack in two days is not a record but it’s plenty for me 😂

Y’all missed it
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Published On 1/12/2020
For the folks that are adding an extra adult besides their significant other to their membership ....attempts to cheat are frowned upon them a day pass and do not jeopardize your membership for someone that ignored the warning of the membership deadline....

example: you as a 19yr old or older male can add your significant other or wife to your membership ,

• but you can not add her brother who is 27 +. this crap gets old folks ....

• you can not add all your buddies that are over 19

• you as an adult can not add your adult sibling

we get contacted each time you change your membership , many folks will find out the hard way that this will not be tolerated.....

think about your account , do you have more than two adults being : you and your significant other , if so you are in membership violation . the rules are plainly written on this matter.
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Published On 1/11/2020
SINGLETRACK only - west side - avoid riding this area till mid February 2020 as we are reversing and changing trail , and the weather has caught us midway through . We should have a loop back in by then on that side of the property ... this is the single track only trails between story Rd and ridge rd ...
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Published On 1/3/2020
Just a reminder that NATRA will host SECCA on March 21st , like in the past several years NATRA will donate the proceeds of the race to Charity .... for details on the race visit
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Published On 12/31/2019
I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

I also want to thank each of you for your support this past year and a huge THANKS to all of you that have renewed and joined for our 2020 fiscal year riding associates . Congratulations you are in !

For those on our FB page that have not renewed you will be purged from a our private FB page in the coming weeks if you decide not to renew by 11:59 dec 31 2019.

At the stroke of 12 midnight as we roll to the new year, NATRA membership will be capped . No need to try and call , text , Email , phone a friend , use a life line , or anything , it will not matter . We have given fair and ample warning , in plenty of time . The membership committee is over worked , but as we said before now we can all go ride .... we all plan to mute our phones and relax .

NATRA has plenty of paid members to help with all the new measures that are to prevent trespassers from doing so .

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Published On 12/29/2019
MEMBERSHIP JOINING OR RENEWAL DEADLINE IS 12-31-19 . Membership will be locked or capped for a period while we sort thru the old and new members that either decided to not renew or did not listen to all the many post, notifications, or emails. ALSO SOME HAVE LOGGED IN FILLED OUT APPLICATION BUT NEVER LOGGED BACK IN TO PAY. THOSE WILL BE PURGED AND REMOVED IF NOT PAID BY 12-31-19.

NEW THIS YEAR- if membership is opened back up (not sure it will) the rate will have a late fee added to the membership. $75 + $50 = $125. This is merely an attempt to encourage folks to get it done before the deadline.

ALSO NEW THIS YEAR - You will see an added Marshal presence and Constables on patrol checking for memberships, watching for potential issues , wreckless actions on county roads or members that seem to not care and throw their trash upon the ground.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? IF you have a NATRA MEMBERSHIP help us , ask if folks are members, watch for folks throwing
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Published On 12/29/2019
Thanks to all you workers ! Paul , mark, Dolphus , Clay, Marshals !Gate crew ! Road crew !
Sweep crew ! Chili cooks! If you picked up trash ! If you assisted in any way thank you !
Those that raced thanks for coming !
111 entries
93 teams
204 racers
??? Workers ( a bunch)
22+ pots of chili ( ran out )
And a Ton of fun !!!
It was a huge success , We raised over $8000 to be donated to local charities !
Awesome day !!
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Published On 5/13/2019
Here is the information from the poker run
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Published On 3/2/2019
I spent about two hours doing a sampling of membership adherence at the bowl today. Basically could have written at least 10 trespassing tickets today, banned one member for the balance of the year do to "sharing" his membership, using a one day pass multiple days, no pass because their first time, etc etc. And all these violations were in groups with paying members, I just can't fathom why this is still occurring.
Come on folks, its pretty damn simple, and I apologize for the members that are doing the right thing:
1. You have to have a valid pass or membership to be on the property, there is no exceptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no coming to check it out, this is trespassing!!!!!! As a member you can't bring a guest to check the place out, we no longer have a guest policy due to abuse.
2. There is no sharing memberships. A membership is for you, your significant other and your minor (under 18) children or grandchildren, not you, your girlfriend, your a
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Published On 3/2/2019
I spent about two hours doing a sampling of membership adherence at the bowl today. Basically could have written at least 10 trespassing tickets today, banned one member for the balance of the year do to "sharing" his membership, using a one day pass multiple days, no pass because their first time, etc etc. And all these violations were in groups with paying members, I just can't fathom why this is still occurring.
Come on folks, its pretty damn simple, and I apologize for the members that are doing the right thing:
1. You have to have a valid pass or membership to be on the property, there is no exceptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no coming to check it out, this is trespassing!!!!!! As a member you can't bring a guest to check the place out, we no longer have a guest policy due to abuse.
2. There is no sharing memberships. A membership is for you, your significant other and your minor (under 18) children or grandchildren, not you, your girlfriend, your a
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Published On 1/24/2019
Reminder: NATRA doesn’t have a guest policy as it did years ago. Everyone who is on our property must either be a club member or purchase a day pass (riding or passenger only) there are no exceptions. As members, by allowing others to come and ride and “check” the place out or ride without electronically signing the waiver are putting their membership at risk and the club’s liability at risk. Thanks for your cooperation, hopefully we can avoid additional court dates.

NATRA prosecuted two individuals for trespassing, the cases were presented in Lawrence County court this week. NATRA has the support of the Sheriff's office and the DA's office, and the court confirmed the charges. Let's just say, unless you have a bunch of extra cash laying around and ever want to come back to WP again, I would get your passes or membership taken care of.
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Published On 1/22/2019
Reminder: NATRA doesn’t have a guest policy as it did years ago. Everyone who is on our property must either be a club member or purchase a day pass (riding or passenger only) there are no exceptions. As members, by allowing others to come and ride and “check” the place out or ride without electronically signing the waiver are putting their membership at risk and the club’s liability at risk. Thanks for your cooperation, hopefully we can avoid additional court dates.
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Published On 1/21/2019
Two Track Trail Priorities for this year. In general our two track trail system is in decent shape, there may be a few reroutes that need to be done but I don't know of any others that are pressing at this moment, and we have a list for Happy to take care of once the rain stops.
Here is the priority list:
1. Bridge build on 33/35 - Jan 26th
2. Trail 17 re route - Jan 26th
3. GPS mapping of all trails - Start Feb 2nd
4. Re-sign interior trail intersections -
5. Add two track cutoffs off ridge rd -
6. Add two track on north end of No Mans land and larry rd -
Items 5 & 6 may or may not happen this year depending on how the re-signing and GPS mapping goes. Both of these need to be done before the Poker Run.
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Published On 1/21/2019
The trail head signs on all the county roads have been changed out (except cemetary - forgot to print those). I know the trail system real well and never really pay attention to the signs. I was surprised on how many were faded and missing. The interior trail intersections will be re-signed over the next month or so, there are 500+ signs to put up. I have them in my truck and will organize them numerically by east and west side. If you know the trail system and would like to help please contact myself or JC.
I was glad to see that the posted signs are holding up well...even the ones riddled with bullet holes. You definetly know when you are on our property from the county roads and that the trails are on NATRAI
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Published On 1/12/2019
The recipients of our NATRA charity race proceeds are Lawrence County Fire Rescue and A Kids Place . LCFR and its efforts to erect a training facility for all county departments to benefit from for years to comes one I am very proud to see .... NATRA you have helped get this started , now lets see it thru !! thank you all ...

NATRA LOVES A KIDS PLACE and what they do to help children rehab from things you and I wish never existed but does.I am very proud to announce they are one of the recipients of our charity buddy race proceeds. A Kids Place (@ ) is ran by great group of folks whose interest is the best interest of children. NATRA hosted our annual race and chose a kids place to be our beneficiary and we presented them with a $5000 donation this morning at our monthly meeting .....we also hosted a toy drive in December for them as well as last years poker run.... NATRA loves children and is proud to be supporting a Kids Place ....You can to by going to t
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Published On 1/12/2019
We will be building a bridge on Roller Coaster and doing a reroute on trail 17 on Jan 26th, come out and lend a hand if you can,shouldn't take only a few hours if we have enough folks. Meet at gas stop at 9:00.
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Published On 12/15/2018
We received this very thoughtful card from the fine folks at the Westpoint Community Center. In addition to supporting local charities we also assist the WPCC through the year, in turn they provide us with an awesome place to hold our club meetings. If you have not attended a club meeting and experienced these ladies awesome cooking you have missed out. Please come out and support those that support us!
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Published On 12/11/2018
December 2018 NATRA meeting - a challenge was made and met by all of the NATRA members attending . Everyone was challenged to bring a gift to be donated for a kids place to be distributed to children of all ages. 50 + members attended and many items were donated .
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Published On 1/14/2018
Thanks to all that attended the meeting and then helped with the bridge project and hanging the new Posted Signs . The new Signs will lady for years to come ... Such a cold day but plenty of volunteers ....great work NATRA !!

Also makes plans to work after our February meeting as we redeck a few of our older bridges ..... these projects will require many workers and at least a half of a day of work
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Published On 3/12/2017
we filled the dumpster !!
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