Published on 12/29/2019
MEMBERSHIP JOINING OR RENEWAL DEADLINE IS 12-31-19 . Membership will be locked or capped for a period while we sort thru the old and new members that either decided to not renew or did not listen to all the many post, notifications, or emails. ALSO SOME HAVE LOGGED IN FILLED OUT APPLICATION BUT NEVER LOGGED BACK IN TO PAY. THOSE WILL BE PURGED AND REMOVED IF NOT PAID BY 12-31-19.
NEW THIS YEAR- if membership is opened back up (not sure it will) the rate will have a late fee added to the membership. $75 + $50 = $125. This is merely an attempt to encourage folks to get it done before the deadline.
ALSO NEW THIS YEAR - You will see an added Marshal presence and Constables on patrol checking for memberships, watching for potential issues , wreckless actions on county roads or members that seem to not care and throw their trash upon the ground.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? IF you have a NATRA MEMBERSHIP help us , ask if folks are members, watch for folks throwing